Emerald Valley West HOA

Sport Court Graffitti

Unfortunately, over the Christmas and New Years Holidays, the Sport Courts and the Pebble Beach neighborhood were tagged and vandalized with spray paint. This has been an on going problem that we’ve struggled to deal with over the years. The vandalism at the Sport Courts happened just before Christmas.
My husband and I cleaned off the graffiti on the backboard and then had to spray over additional graffiti on the basketball court and on the cider block wall. Some of the graffiti was sexually explicit and contained hate speech.
The second round of graffiti happened over New Years eve and was reported to the authorities on New Years day. It was the same orange paint. Several homes were hit. Make sure you report all vandalism and theft cases as soon as they happen! Also consider installing video cameras and security systems on your property. This was the advice passed on by the local law enforcement.
The other problem that has come up is that young adults who don’t live in the HOA have been jumping over the gate and letting their friends in. They have also been leaving the gates hanging open. There have been some verbal altercations with these young adults that have not been pleasant.
As residents, you are allowed to have one key to the Sport Courts as long as your HOA Dues are current. You are allowed to bring guests, but they must be supervised and your are responsible for their conduct. Please make sure the gates are always kept shut, both coming and going. We’ve currently locked up all the gates but the one on Emerald Parkway, as a deterrent to the fence jumpers.
We are considering reinstalling the security cameras that were stolen, several years ago. In the meantime, please be considerate and report all suspicious activity around the Sport Courts and the HOA.
Thank you,
Lori Eichelberger

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