Emerald Valley West HOA

Sport Courts Parking Lot Gate and Control Room Locks Updated For Added Security


We recently had to reinforce and secure the control room door at the Sport Courts. The room had been broken into, not the first time, and all the huge overhead lights turned on. We decided it was time to make it more difficult for vandals.
We rekeyed the unfinished bathrooms because they had been opened and vandalized. We rekeyed the padlocks that secure the parking lot gates as well. The gates had also been left open.
So, the keys that are issued to the residents upon request will now only open the 3 court access gates.
Please remember to supervise your children who are using the courts and make sure the gates are closed after entering and exiting the facility. Also, do no give your key to anyone who isn’t in your family. We’ve had some high school kids who manage to get a key from someone who no longer lives here.
Thank you for your understanding.

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