Emerald Valley West HOA

Spring Newsletter 2017

Emerald Valley West HOA Spring Newsletter

Greetings and welcome to new and old homeowners alike! As the current Board Members, we felt it was important to bring you up to speed on a few things that have transpired since our annual meeting last fall.

• Beginning July 2017, we will be billing dues quarterly, instead of monthly. You will be billed $186 for three months, 4 times a year. We will also resume sending out comprehensive statements that show your payment history. You are always welcome to pay in advance, many homeowners do. Payments options include: check by mail, dropping off payments at First Community Credit Union using your lot #, and Auto Bill Payment through your own bank. We voted to make this change because we are all volunteers. Our treasurer, Penny Bour, has been working extremely hard running back and forth to the post office, the credit union and doing the spread sheets, on top of her fulltime Bookkeeping job. If this causes any problems for you, please contact us at evwhoa@gmail.com.
• Unpaid Homeowner dues and fines for being out of compliance with CC&R’s are subject to liens being placed upon your property, which includes interest and legal fees. From time to time, we’ve had to use our attorney to put the needed legal remedies in place to protect the interests of the HOA.
• In response to questions about Lane County property taxes for our HOA, I (Lori Eichelberger) met with Creswell City Planner Maddie Phillips, who is quite knowledgeable on the topic. Our homes, the green space including the sports courts and fountained ponds, the Emerald Valley Golf Course and Clubhouse, the homes around the Course and the vacant lot on Dale Kuni Road in front of the Clubhouse, are all zoned RESORT COMMERCIAL. The area was annexed in 1993. The zoning designation was part of the Comprehensive Master Plan Development Vision. It is extremely difficult, time consuming and expensive to try to change the zoning, almost impossible. All the land within the RESORT COMMERCIAL designation is deemed to be worth more due to its development potential. The value of the land props up the value of our homes, making them worth more. The quality of the building materials of our homes and features are also slightly higher than the norm. As a result of these factors, we pay higher property taxes than homes in Creswell zoned Residential. It is a trade off. If you have any further questions, contact Maddie Phillips 541-895-2531.
• The McDougal Brothers, who own the Sewage Treatment Plant they built several years ago, serving homes on the east side of I-5, are in the process of selling it to a new private owner. Originally, it was supposed to be given to the City of Creswell but that never happened and we aren’t privy to the details. The Sewage Treatment Plant has to be recertified every decade by the DEQ. The recertification is currently in progress. Any needed repairs and upgrades must take place before it is recertified. We don’t know what the sale of the treatment plant will mean down the road for sewer rates. Stay tuned.
• Garden Lake, that abuts our HOA, will no longer be stocked with fish by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. It was reported that the lake water is too toxic for people to safely consume any fish out of it. Chemicals from the old millpond have leached into the water making it unsafe. The Public Works Department has installed signage around the Lake to warn people of the danger. You may not want to allow your pets to swim in the Lake either. That same warning also goes for our HOA ponds. They are treated with chemicals for algae abatement, etc.
• For those of you whose properties are in the Flood Zone and are having to pay flood insurance, the State of Oregon is doing a new study. The results are supposed to be released some time in June. Cross your fingers!
• There are many dog owners in the HOA and folks from outlying areas who also walk their pets through our park like setting. Please remember to keep your pets on leash at all times when you leave the confines of your property. It is important for you to CONTROL your pets so that everyone can have relaxing and safe outings. Thank you for continuing to clean up after your pets!
• With trailer season upon us, please remember to follow the HOA rules regarding parking. You are limited to 48 hours, which is also a Creswell City Ordinance. They are not to be used as overnight guest housing. Flagrant violations will result in a fine of $100/day. Be considerate of your neighbors and people driving through the area who may have a hard time seeing around your RV. If you are impeding the flow of traffic, it is possible the City Traffic Enforcement Department may tow it. We are not the police. They would make that determination.
• The HOA Budget will be posted soon on our website. It is a good idea to check the website for periodic updates and to familiarize yourself with the HOA rules and the CC&Rs. Rentals in the HOA are subject to the same rules. It is the landlord’s responsibility to keep tenants in compliance. The Board contact information is also there. http://emeraldvalleyhoa.org/
• If you are thinking about painting the exterior of your home, making structural exterior changes, adding a garden shed, removing or planting trees in your front yard, please submit the proper forms to the Architectural Review Committee for approval. Please note that you are also required to completely remove all stumps when a tree is cut down so that it isn’t unsightly. Thank you!
• The Sport Courts were power washed and the Pickle Ball lines were repainted last spring. The paint surface of all the courts is degrading and the use of bicycles and skateboards causes additional damage. Please use the parking lot instead. Young children need to be supervised. Please make sure the gates are completely closed when you are coming and going. Each resident is allowed one key. Simply request one via email.
• The HOA BOARD NEEDS VOLUNTEERS! Several of the HOA Board Members have served beyond the traditional two-year time period, and will need to step away at some point. It is important to share the responsibility of keeping the HOA running smoothly. We have Board Meetings every 2-3 months. Our next meeting will be in June. If you are interested in volunteering, let us know. We are happy to train you! Thank you and have a wonderful spring!
EVWHOA Board Members
Lori Eichelberger Ron Bour Hal Ingram
Penny Bour Larry Parlette Elaine Ingram